Análisis de la dinámica tridimensional de evaporación de gotas sésiles de interés biomédico

Contenido principal del artículo

A. Bribiesca
F. Montoya
P. Hernández
E. Ramos
G. Corkidi


The structure of the flow inside evaporating sessile droplets of bodily fluids such as urine, blood, and saliva can provide crucial information for medical diagnosis, however the experimental analysis of the evaporation dynamics has proved to be a challenge due to the flow’s three-dimensional and time-dependent nature. In this work we present a method to analyze the 3D+t evaporation dynamics of a sessile droplet using a modified optic microscope coupled with homemade digital image processing and data analysis software. We show how the method works on distilled water droplets and highlight how it will contribute to the analysis of biological fluids.

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Cómo citar
Bribiesca, A., Montoya, F., Hernández, P., Ramos, E., & Corkidi, G. (2021). Análisis de la dinámica tridimensional de evaporación de gotas sésiles de interés biomédico. Memorias Del Congreso Nacional De Ingeniería Biomédica, 8(1), 69–72. Recuperado a partir de
Procesamiento de Señales e Imágenes Médicas