Virtual instrumentation for biological process monitoring based on electric field perturbations

Contenido principal del artículo

G. S. Asur
P. M. Miguel


We present a low-noise virtual instrument programmed in LabView platform for biological processes monitoring. Measurements are based on electric field perturbations due to temporal variations of a biophysical process over an interdigitated capacitance sensor. Blood clotting process was monitored in real time with around 5μl drop volume of whole blood sample. Blood drop was placed between 150 microns thick glass slabs over an interdigitated capacitance sensing device. Analog temporal signals were digitalized and processed with low-noise virtual instrumentation. Temporal signals of biophysical process presented a good signal to noise ratio showing that the sensitivity and resolution of the measuring system proposed is suitable for other biological processes and bioelectric signal characterization.

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Cómo citar
Asur, G. S., & Miguel, P. M. (2017). Virtual instrumentation for biological process monitoring based on electric field perturbations. Memorias Del Congreso Nacional De Ingeniería Biomédica, 2(1), 144–148. Recuperado a partir de
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