Fast algorithms for the automatic skull stripping and mid-sagittal plane extraction in neurologic CT images

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A. Davis
N. Gordillo


This work proposes two fast algorithms for the automatic skull stripping and mid-sagittal plane extraction in neurologic CT images. The main features of the skull stripping algorithm here presented are  the  simplicity  and  robustness. It is simple since neither pre-processing  of  the  image  data  nor contour refinement is required.  This  algorithm  creates  an image mask of the brain that limits processing  to  only  those pixels contained by the mask. Based on the resulting mask, the second algorithm, extracts the MSP by detecting the longitudinal fissure.

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Cómo citar
Davis, A., & Gordillo, N. (2017). Fast algorithms for the automatic skull stripping and mid-sagittal plane extraction in neurologic CT images. Memorias Del Congreso Nacional De Ingeniería Biomédica, 1(1), 168–171. Recuperado a partir de
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