Dispositivo de Monitoreo de Glucosa en Sangre No Invasivo mediante Infrarrojo Cercano

Contenido principal del artículo

G. Silos Chincoya
G. G. Martínez Oliva
I. Chairez


This researching study aims to report the development of a prototype device that may provide the estimation of the blood glucose concentration levels non-invasively using near-infrared transmission spectroscopy techniques. The system works in three stages: signal acquisition, calibration, and estimation of blood glucose concentration levels. The acquisition of the signal used an optical sensor based on a transimpedance circuit to obtain the different intensity changes of the emitting source in terms of voltage. The calibration of the proposed device was carried out taking as reference, the values of a commercial device that performs invasive blood glucose monitoring, with the aim of obtaining greater precision. In the last stage, the Lambert-Beer Law is mainly used to estimate glucose concentration. The proposed device presents a relationship between optical signals and variations in blood glucose levels with an accuracy of 90% in average which is statistically representative considering the class of non-invasive technology used for developing the proposed device.

Detalles del artículo

Cómo citar
Silos Chincoya, G. ., Martínez Oliva, G. G. ., & Chairez Oria, J. I. (2021). Dispositivo de Monitoreo de Glucosa en Sangre No Invasivo mediante Infrarrojo Cercano. Memorias Del Congreso Nacional De Ingeniería Biomédica, 8(1), 173–177. Recuperado a partir de http://memoriascnib.mx/index.php/memorias/article/view/890
Bioinstrumentación, Biosensores, Bioimpedancia y Micro/Nano Tecnologías