A case study on measurement of comfort factor from metabolic rate and heart rate of a transtibial amputee while using novel prosthetic sockets

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M. Acosta B.
L. A. Páramo F.
D. Rosales G.
R. Q. Fuentes Aguilar
B. Alemón


An individual that experiences right lower limb amputation was recruited to a study that proposes the use of diverse measurements to calculate a comfort factor in order to compare the functional performance of two prosthetic sockets. The comfort factor includes the assessment of the lower limb symmetry, the calculation of the metabolic rate and peak heart rate values, plus the results of a satisfaction survey. The data was collected during dierent stages. At the beginning of the performance evaluation, the participant was asked to be in anatomical position, and then a photo was taken for the symmetry analysis. Respiratory gas exchange, which is the maximum amount of oxygen (V O2) consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) expenditure, for the calculation of the metabolic rate and heart rate in beats per minute (BPM) were done at the rest state test, and during a ten-minute hike on a treadmill. Finally, the volunteer answered a satisfaction survey regarding the comfort of the tested prosthetic device. The results showed dierences between both prosthetic sockets used, regarding the metabolic rate and peak heart rate during the gait. The comfort factor quantitatively shows the level of satisfaction, as well as the perceived problems with the prosthetic socket, and by extension, the prosthesis in general. The proposed calculation of the comfort factor could help prosthetists, physical therapists, amputation care centers, and rehabilitation centers to evaluate and recommend the correct and personalized type of socket for a transtibial amputee.

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Cómo citar
Acosta B., M., Páramo F., L. A., Rosales G., D., Fuentes Aguilar, R. Q., & Alemón, B. (2020). A case study on measurement of comfort factor from metabolic rate and heart rate of a transtibial amputee while using novel prosthetic sockets. Memorias Del Congreso Nacional De Ingeniería Biomédica, 7(1), 226–233. Recuperado a partir de http://memoriascnib.mx/index.php/memorias/article/view/767
Biomecánica, Rehabilitación, Biomateriales e Ingeniería Tisular