Modeling buffered Ca2+ diffusion in a single human B cell: the role of endogenous Ca2+ buffer sand Ca2+ extrusion mechanisms

Contenido principal del artículo

G. J. Félix-Martínez
J. R. Godínez-Fernández


In this paper, a model of the electrical activity of the human cell B-Cell was used in conjunction with a reaction-diffusion model of Ca2+ in order to analyze the spatiotemporal distribution of Ca2+ influx and extortion mechanisms, as well as a two endogenous buffer systems with difference kinetic characteristics. The effect of buffering and clearance of Ca2+ on the time course of the Ca2+ signal driven by spiking electrical activity was addressed.

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Cómo citar
Félix-Martínez, G. J., & Godínez-Fernández, J. R. (2017). Modeling buffered Ca2+ diffusion in a single human B cell: the role of endogenous Ca2+ buffer sand Ca2+ extrusion mechanisms. Memorias Del Congreso Nacional De Ingeniería Biomédica, 1(1), 92–95. Recuperado a partir de
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